This page lists all the programs across the lesson plans for easy access. We also provide a direct link to the context in which each program occurs.
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Clicking the link to the program will open the mBlock website. To see the actual program, click Source
at the bottom left of the page that opened.
You can use the program in the online version of mBlock or download it to your computer by selecting File
and Save to your computer
. The downloaded program can then be edited using mBlock if installed on your computer.
See Step 1: Open the example program for an example and more instructions.
The links below will take you to the most recent version of the programs on the MakeBlock website. Some schools block the MakeBlock website. Therefore, we also provide the programs as a direct download. You can download these to a computer and use File > Open From Computer
in MakeBlock to open the programs. You can find the direct downloads in the Google Drive folder below.
bme_programs_direct_downloads - Google Drive
Link to the original context:
MyFirstProgram - mBlock Community
Link to original context:
sonar_directionality - mBlock Community
sonar_obstacle_avoidance - mBlock Community
Link to original context:
Sound Localization Lesson Plan
sound_localization_directionality - mBlock Community
sound_localization_approach - mBlock Community
Link to original context:
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Note that these programs need to run in Live