Feedback, Contact, and Support

Frequently Asked Questions

Required materials

Quick Links

Getting started

If you're new to working with the robots, we recommend running through the guides below.

Introduction to the robot

Installing mBlock software

Adding the mBot to mBlock

Resetting the robot to Live mode

Connecting to the mBot robot

Running your first program

Optional: Using the battery pack

Supporting slides

The slide decks accompanying the lesson plans can be found here (link to OneDrive).

Lesson Plans

Below are the Biology Meets Engineering lesson programs. These lesson plans contain the content aimed at students.

Introduction to Programming

Programming the robot

Sonar Lesson Plan

Sound Localization Lesson Plan

Color Vision Lesson Plan

Kinesis and Taxis Lesson Plan

Educational Standards

<aside> ⚪ The units on this website were created collaboratively with faculty from the University of Cincinnati College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering, and School of Education. Combining biology with engineering activities gives students a unique opportunity to understand the parallels between animal and robot behavior and sensory/sensor function. The units address broad Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS Lead States, 2013) and International Society for Technology in Education Standards (International Society for Technology in Education, 2022).
